Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hola Familia!

Hola, how's it all going?? Just a quick note right from the start, I gotta mention something SUPER quick, which Dad had pointed out to me. I know many of y'all get my blog updates via email whenever they're sent out, but DON'T reply to them! I have it set up to where I have sort of an email address for my blog, and I can just email something to that email, and it gets posted. If anyone replies to those emails, however, it will be posted onto my blog.

OKAY! Sorry, that tidbit just stressed me out a bit. (: The only ones who could have this happen to them is anyone who I have set up to receive those emails, which is you all annnnd maybe grandma haha. So that's why I'm only mentioning it here. Anywho...To Mom and Dad...I have a package I'm sending out today, hopefully. I'm gonna try and get a letter written to put in there, as well, but it's really nothing special. Just my big Preach My Gospels, because I have smaller ones, which are easier to carry around. But I still want my big ones when I come home haha. Annnd a skirt, shirt, and a couple scarves that I haven't worn yet, so I'm sending them home to wear later or to have sent to me when I'm sick of my current clothing. (: So nothing too exciting, sorry. Not much to buy here at the MTC that would be fun to send home haha. But if you could just put the box like...I dno, maybe just in the top of that closet with my other clothing I left for later...That would be helpful. (:
TRISTA: I hope you've gotten my two letters I've sent you! I might just cry if those never got to you. ):
Christian and Audrey: I love the letterssss. (: Today is my day to catch up on letter-writing, so I'll do my best to get that written. (: However, since we don't know if we're being reassigned yet, I'm waiting to send all these letters out. We could be getting out reassignments today, tomorrow...We don't know haha. So I have a small stack of letters, awaiting to be sent with a new address and information. :D Eegads!
Dene': I...think you should have gotten my most recent letter, yeah? Because I thought I sent it out earlier...Haha my brain is dead and can't think momentarily. (: On the bright side, I mentioned you/your letter in one of our lessons the other day. We were teaching on the importance of going to church and how to receive revelation and help while attending church. I gave the brief example you had written in your last letter, how we don't typically go to church to learn some super cool new thing about the church...Sometimes it's just because someone says something in their talk or in a lesson that you REALLY needed to hear that day or it was something that just answered a question you had been looking for...Anywho. It was super cool. (:
West: WHERE ARE YOU?! Why has my big brother disappearedddd?! Joking. (; I know you're working hard, of course. I love and miss you, hermano! Estoy orando para tú y por la familia. Siempre. (:
Whew...Well, in my blog update I mentioned having a teacher come in who had just served in Mendoza, and truly...It was SO great. Told us so many great stories about dogs with "all bark and no bite", the great food and then some not so great and slgihtly sketchy food, bartering in the verdura y fruta marcados, street contacting, and having a bucket with a nozzle as a shower for his first area. (; Baha but I'm an hermana, so I'm likely to never have that. Plus, that was the only time he had that, so it's rare haha. Buuut who knows! We shall see. There's an hermana in our district who just kind of assumes that all things here in the US are going to be her lasts for 18 months: "But you guys! This could be my last cookie and ice cream for the next year and a half! THEY DON'T HAVE COOKIES AND ICE CREAM IN ARGENTINA!" Me: "Hermana...You're going to Argentina...Believe me, they have cookies, and they love ice cream. Chillll." Annnd then we all bust up laughing. (: She's a for-sure city girl and is having troubles imagining living in "poorer areas". Haha she's hilarious. (: Anywho! That was a random tangent...Sorry I'm emailing so early this morning. Our schedules are all changed, so that would be why.
Okie dokes! Wellll I'm out. (: Off to go get my hair cut and put on JEANS. :D Or sweats....Ooooh. I really can't decide. Both are lovely. (:
Nos vemos mi familia (: Envio mi amor para ustedes. (: Amores.

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