Monday, May 20, 2013

For Realzzz

Okay, so for now...This last week or so in the field has been AWESOME. A veces, I feel like we need to be working harder, but no worries...We're still working our butts off. (: But I have come to another realization...The more I learn and use Spanish, the less English makes sense! We have so many random, useless words that we just throw in everywhere. So lame. I love Spanish, and I've SO pleased with any compliment I receive on it haha. The main thing people say is my accent is great. I will thank my Heavenly Father and growing up in Quincy for  that. (; Second, is they're surprised at my ability to teach in Spanish for only having been in the actual field for...5-6 days haha. Love it. (:

Alright, so I gotta tell EVERYONE. If you don't know the song "As Sisters in Zion", go listen to it. I love it. (: And NEXT...Dang. I don't even know if the song is out, BUT. Janice Kapp Perry, the author to the song, RE-WROTE it for sister missionaries. "The Sister of Zion". WHOA. She spoke at my last Sunday devo last week, and we were the first ones to ever sing those three verses. I don't know how we sang at all, because I was crying the whole time. My favorite lines went something like: "We'll all go forth with Helaman's Army...Our numbers greater now than ever before." GAHHH. I tear up thinking about it. It was INCREDIBLE. See if y'all can find, because it's the best haha.

OKAY! So my last week in the MTC was full of...Tears and handshakes haha. It kind of kills me a little inside that I can't hug these elders. I'll try and get some pictures out of my THREE districts I had in the MTC haha. I really, really loved the elders who took me in as a solo sister. They were/are incredible men and will be BOMB down in Mexico. (: And when I do get a picture up...Yes, it is likely the picture where they're all being ridiculous. :D I love it haha. I certainly couldn't complain being escorted around by 10 elders! My safety was almost guaranteed haha. But truly, it was so hard saying good-bye to them. Monday night my new district and I was having a short testimony meeting, and they forced me to go last. So cruel. I was their "MTC Missionary Mama" haha. Oh man, yes, I cried haha. I shook the elders hands and headed out...

I began walking down the hall and saw a couple of my favorite zone leaders in the hall. Waterworks from the eyes. Again haha. They walked me to their classroom, and I had a last chance to sing with my elders again and say adios. Went back, finished packing up, and I headed out the next morning at 3 AM!

CALIFORNIAAA...YES. It's crazy, because it seems like California has this specific smell. Weird, right? Well every time we're in someone's house teaching, and we walk out...All the memories from last summer flood back; I love it. Buuut it also makes me miss Trista, Russ, and the kids a TON. Shout out to my sistahhh! :D

Okay, so a cool story for y'alllll...? Dang...Well I've LOVED teaching here, even though our appointments tend to fall through. It's just kind of the culture, methinks. Pretty laid back and not very specific schedules haha. But I love it. (: We've been teaching this woman, Ilse, and she is THE BEST. I've only met her once, but it was a great lesson. She's been taking the discussions and learning about the church for about a year and a half or so, and y'know what?? I had the opportunity to ask her to be baptized after we had been talking about baptism and the Holy Ghost...She is SO excited, and she said, "Ahhh, bueno. Sí, lo necesito! Lo quiero." Oh my heck, I LOVE her so much. As well as the rest of our awesome investigators! Annnnd what else? LOS MIEMBROS! Ellos son los mejores. (:

Anywho, I hope y'all enjoyed the many pictures! I don't have much more time, but...Just know that I love y'all. (: I'm still awaiting my visa, but I am LOVING California. Of course haha. Well...Mis compañeras, Hnas. Andrews (Trainer) and Zurita are the bomb, and we're loving the work. (: Take care! Nos Vemos pronto!

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