Monday, September 2, 2013

Blessing to Every Bite

WHAAAT?! This week has been insane. The last couple of weeks have been a little rough, not gonna lie, because we haven´t seen a ton of success in the numbers or anything. Seriously, we didn´t pick up or find a SINGLE new investigator in 2-3 WEEKS. Practically all the people we talked to and got directions/addresses from to stop by again lied to us. (Wicked normal, but usually it´s not QUITE so many people!) So we walked. A lot. Insane. But this week...?

First Miracle: We went to stop by a gal who had given us her direction one morning, and (MIRACLE) she let us in! Whoots! First little miracle. We walk in, and BOOM...Two of her "girlfriends" are there, all drinkin´ mate together. Second miracle. ALL have families AND are married. Third miracle...We get to talking and getting to know them, and Hna Mujica stops for a second. She then realizes/recognizes one of the other gals. We had stopped by her house ONCE, she was busy, and we never went back...Long string of miracles to be written quickly? We walked out of that house having taught the best lesson we´ve ever had, picked up 3 INCREDIBLE new investigators, and it was only 11 am! :D Seriously, I love those 3 gals, and we´re so stoked to go back this week and teach them again. (:

Okay, okay. Now here comes the GREAT story. Curious about the title of this email? Haha GOOD. You should be. Remember how I got bit the other week? Well ever since then, I´ve been thinkin´ about that gal who owns the dog. She was wicked nice and checked to make sure I was fine and such. But then we just up and left...Ever since then, I kept thinking about her. One day, while walking (of course), I mentioned to Hna Mujica that I´d really like to stop by that house again with the dog. We never went and knocked, but this last Wednesday, we were walking down that street, and Veronica was outside sweeping. We stop and remind her who we are and that I was the one that got bit haha. She again made sure that I was fine, and then we asked if we could come back another day to share this message with her...

We stopped by this last Saturday, and WOW. Talk about a great miracle. Veronica is going through a rough time right now, and we were talking about how we KNOW this can help her. I was in the middle of a sentence when she suddenly stops me and says something to the extent of, "Y´know what? It´s been...YEARS. I can´t even remember how long ago it was, but there were two chicos that used to come visit us. I never let anyone into my house, but they brought something different. They had placks like you do, and they were teaching my husband and I. There was just something about them that I can´t describe...I´m not sure where they are now, but our family loved them so much. My husband went to the church a few times. I remember the chicos prayed a lot. But nothing rote. Always from their hearts; they loved us, too, I think..."

WHOA. I almost started crying. I can´t explain her words or love for those two elders long ago, but I am SO grateful for them. They prepared Veronica to love and crave this gospel...So yes, we are now teaching Veronica, the owner of the dog who bit me! (: I am SO excited.

WHEW! Whelp, that´s all I´ve got time for right now miracle-wise, because seriously I could go ON and ON and OONNN. But I just want to quickly express something that I KNEW from day one that I would love about missionary work: Menos Activos. Orrr less actives/inactive members. There are MANY here in Argentina, mostly because of the culture and how laid back it all is haha. But wow...I could name SO many that I just LOVE. And so badly I want to help them get back to church. All of them tell us how they want to go, they have a testimony, and they miss going and being able to go to the temple...Yet, for some reason unknown to me, they don´t get to church the next day...It´s hard to see and watch, but wow I love them so much. I´ll for sure have to get some pictures with them soon. (:

Alright. I´m exhausted. Agotada. That´s one of the words I learned this week baha. But before I finish off this letter of the week, I´ll include one last quick story...

RATS. Not in our apartment, but just outside of it. We have a patio of sorts where we hang our laundry. Rats...The funny story? Hermana Mujica was outside the other night watering the "lawn" when all of a sudden I hear a whacking sound on the concrete and short screams...Hna Mujica killed one of them! It was gross but hilarious haha. She told me, "Pero Hermana! El Espíritu me dijo: Mátalo." And I responded, "No, Hermana, you are NOT Nephi, and the rat was NOT King Laban haha."

The End. (: Until next week!! Hopefully we´ll head to a cyber that allows us to send photos next week! (: Chau!

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