Monday, August 19, 2013

"WOW I kind of feel like PUNCHING someone!"

Said the white Norte Americana to basically no one, since her nativa companion doesn´t speak a lick of English...Yup. It´s been one of THOSE weeks. Haha no, not really. I think my tolerance for crude men is just weakening. Not a day goes be when we don´t hear whistles, "smooching"/kidding noises, or "Hooola hermoooosas" from bike riders, guys on motos or in cars, or...Whatever else. Truly, my patience is dwindling. BUT that´s the life, I guess.

On the "Up Side", I received my first dog bite!...Well, maybe that´s not the upside haha. But I thought y´all would find it interesting, por lo menos. We see LOADS of dogs, truly. (No joke, we´re emailing in a gas station today, and there´s a dog napping outside the window I´m sitting next to haha). But usually they´re all bark and no bite. Until, of course, the smallest little dog comes running out (which is fairly normal). We ignore the dog, and next thing I know, he bit the back of my calf! Gah. So lame. No worries, people. No, I didn´t have to go to the hospital. No, I don´t have rabies. Yes, my mother is momentarily freaking out right now. (; Baha jokes, Mama. Jokes.

So I´ve decided that missionaries are insane. The work is bomb, but insane. And we are likely the best stalkers on earth haha. We can track down a former investigator and such like nobody´s business. (; But no, what I´m really getting at, is that we will do just about anything to get our investigators to church. Example? Lucia. We´re teaching her, she´s got her baptism date and all, and she´s the bomb. But she (and all our other investigators) have GOT to come to church!! Sooo we tell her we´ll stop by Sunday morning and walk with her to church. So we show up, and she´s already outside!...Sweeping and such. She tells us she can´t go this morning, and we ask why, of course...I´m not sure what exactly it was, but basically one of her water pipes busted at 3-4 in the morning. WHAT?! Darned Satan. He knows where to attack. He does good work. What he DOESN´T know?? We do better work. (: We were there for a good 45 minutes or so before the ward mission leader and bishop both show up to help us. It´s 20 minutes before sacrament meeting when we get it as fixed as we can for the day, and we head out the door with wet skirts, hair, AND LUCIA. Boom! Work of the Lord for the win. :D

Anywho, the work is great, the work is hard, but we´re learning and loving a lot! Sometimes it´s crazy hard to teach or even FIND people to teach, but we´re doing what we can! We walk a lot haha. I couldn´t even put a number on how many miles/kilometers we´ve walked baha. But I love it! We come home everyday exhausted and ready to hit the pavement running again the next morning. (: More updates next week! Love y´alls!

-Hna. Lybbert

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