ALRIGHT! Ready for some Argentina pictures now?! :D Well...Alright. I´ll explain them now, but WAIT to look at them, alright?? Because you MUST understand the insanity of Siesta haha.
-Remember how we bunked four of us sisters in our hotel room? Yuuup! That´s this. (: There´s actually 5 beds, because I´m standing on the one I slept on, but...Whatever, right? It was a blast.
-Mi compañera!! Hna Mujica. I´ll talk about her more later. (:
-Last of the long, long travels! Bus ride up to good ol´ San Juan Centro.
-La pensión! Aka, our apartment. This is our study area/where my clothes and such are/where we hang dry the laundry that shouldn´t be hang dried outside.
-Our cozy little kitchen, where I´m learning some GREAT foods to cook. :D
-Bedsss and the bathroom is off to the left. And that´s it! :D I love it haha. No pictures from outside yet, sorry.
-OKAY...Siesta...I´ve explained this to my family before, so they get it, but...Yeah. Basically all of Argentina shuts down at like 1:00 or 1:30 in the afternoon. People go home, eat a great big lunch,...and SLEEP. A lot. Until like 5 or 6. But you must imagine that these streets are fairly busy. San Juan isn´t a huge city, but we serve in San Juan Centro with all the people and downtown and such...I took this picture during siesta. NADIE. Seriously, the city is DEAD. And Sundays, too, except that is ALL day on Sundays haha. It´s a little difficult to work during those hours. :P But truly, we find the best miracles during those hours.
-HELADOOO. Aka, ice cream! No, I did not eat that huge, giant bowl (even though I would have liked to. (: ...)
-Cooking guiso. Deliciousness with rice, and it´s cheap. :D Boom. Perfect missionary food haha.
-Hna Mujica me está enseñando. (: More food to come later! We´ve already made all sorts of tortas, pan, y más. And this week? The best...¡Ñoquis! :D
Alright, that´s all for that haha. So! My comp is great, and I´m learning a ton. She´s 38, a convert of ten years or so, and she loves this gospel SO much. It´s a little challenging, because I think her first intentions are kind of to take the "mother" role, but she recognizes that I´m not a huge fan of it haha. But truly, she´s great. Decently patient with my struggling Castellano/Spanish, but I´m learning a ton each day. Including foods, yes. :P But that´s the least of it. Just all of EVERYTHING. The accent, the people, the country, the language...ETC ETC ETC. (:
I´m a little sad. Never took a picture of the lunch we had last week: Pancho con poncho. Whoa. Weirdest thing ever, but SO good haha. Even though it may not be the healthiest. (; Regular hot dog and bun, BUT...Then you put mayo, ham, and mozarella cheese and melt it all...With papa fritos, of course haha. So unhealthy bahaha. But it was good. (:
Random Fact: Everyone watches the Simpsons here...Annnd I´ll admit that it´s HILARIOUS to hear it in Castellano/Spanish. :P
Lastly: I´ve decided that California spoiled me. I´m a wuss when it comes to weather haha. Seriously, it´s like 60-70 degrees out, sun shining and all...And I´ve got my coat and scarf on haha. Oh well! (: I fit right in, because everyone has got the same haha. OH! And the Sonda. The huge, hot winds? Insane. Experienced my first one this last week haha. The wind is INSANE, and Presidente usually calls to tell us to stay inside for the day. At first, I thought that´d be ridiculous...Until we DID go outside, and I saw the damage. Crazyyy. But wicked cool experience.
THE WORK: Whoa. So different! But I LOVE it. Funny, because in California, I hated talking to a random person on the street, because typically we got blown off rather quickly and such. Here?Nope. Well of course we still get blown off, but people LOVE religion and discussing it and hearing it. We´ll ask if we can pass by sometime, and they´re more than willing! However, sometimes they do lie about their address haha. But what the heck, they still stood there in the middle of the sidewalk for a good ten minutes, learning how to pray and such. Siiick. I love it. And our investigators! Cutest families ever. I don´t have a ton of time left, unfortunately. SO...That will also go on my To Do list for next week. Loves! ¡Que les vayan bien!
Hermana Shelan Lybbert
Argentina Mendoza Mission
Casilla de Correo 631
5500 Mendoza
Mendoza Argentina
Hermana Shelan Lybbert
Cabildo Abierto 161
5501 Godoy Cruz
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