Monday, July 8, 2013


I'm WICKED tired. Haha. We got home from a Stake Missionary Meeting dealio last night to find that the tire pressure in one of our front tires was low...So we go and look, annnd...Well! What have we got here? A screw, eh?...


Needless to say, we've had a hectic morning and will likely be homebodies today. Which means a nap. Which means sleep. Which means I'll probably be dreaming and talking in my sleep again and freaking out Hermana Wallace. :D Baha. No, but she said last night was the first time she has ever heard me. I remember exactly what was going on in my dream, and I remembered just barely beginning to wake myself up, then I hear: "Hermana...?"

Me: **Hmph??**...
"You uh...You know you're talking, right? Are you awake??"
...Me: *Sigh* "Yeahhh."
**Hermana Wallace chuckle**

It was pretty entertaining. (: Anywho! This week has been crazy...Rollercoaster-ish haha. You see, Hermana Wallace stresses out a TON. Annnd I've come to see that the way you're trained can kind of set the pace for the rest of your mission. Pobrecita, she was trained by the strictest and hardest sister, I think. She is a PHENOMENAL missionary, but wow it's intense. Whereas I was trained a bit looser...We have come to understand why we are companions right now. I'm better learning how to contact in the street and such (since we didn't get to do much of that in Novato), and I'm helping her relax, laugh, and learn to LOVE this mission. We're not only out here to help others and change their lives, but we're out here to change our's, too. BUT. I'm not out here to change ME or who I am. I am here to "mejorárme". Better myself. I'm serving here, and I've also been called to Argentina for WHO I am. So why would I try changing that? I'm here to be ME--simply a better version of me. To be me and touch the lives of others through my personality and love for them. This has been our goal this last week, as a companionship: To really LOVE the mission and LOVE the people and ENJOY this experience. And that is why I'm here in Rohnert Park, serving with Hermana Wallace. (:

Good news!! We had the Stake meeting deal yesterday, and since Novato is still in our stake, I saw all of my Novato elders and Hermana Zurita yesterday! :D I had to ask her updates on some of the investigators, and of course Alex came up...He again has a baptismal date for the 4th of August! His mom has approved of it all, and he is absolutely ECSTATIC. He's going to scouts, young men's, and has said that he wants to serve a mission! Haha. He's incredible, really. I'm sad I never got a picture with him. ):

VISA info: Absolutely Nada. :D Baha. I'll admit I'm a bit antsy and would like to get there, but I've got somethin' to do here for now! I know that several of my MTC district people are already there, including Hermana McBride! :D Buuut the other gal here in the Santa Rosa Cali mission who is also waiting to go to Mendoza is TRAINING now! Sick! Haha. She's super excited and loving it, though. (:

Whelllppp...Not much else that I can think of for the moment. Except for one thing! My name...Lybbert...Something about my name and the way it is pronounced in the Spanish accent makes EVERYONE want to pronounce it as "Lybbert-y"...In Spanish, it sounds like: Her-maw-naw Lee-behr-tee. And I've just kind of accepted it haha. So the new spelling of my name is now: Lybbertí (: It's hilarious. Anywho! I'm outta here to get some letters written for Trista, Christian, and Ryan West for their BIRTHDAYSSS!! :D Nos vemos pronto, mis amigos y mi familia. Les quiero!

-Hermana Lybbert

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