Monday, January 6, 2014

Una Mezcla

Alrighty, again, I think I´ll be including a little bit of what I wrote to Presidente, because it´s hard to translate and re-tell it in English haha. BUT...This week has been pretty insane. Not really, it´s just that I haven´t been in my area all week or we haven´t been able to work.

Monday: P-Day of course. And thennn turned out that Hermana Cerrato, my comp, had a STY in her eye! So we had to keep washing it out and putting hot washclothes on her eye. So yes. I played doctor all day. (:

Tuesday: New Years Eve. Fin de Año! We, again, weren´t allowed to work unless we had set appointments, due to all the people that were borrachas. Drunk. BUT, we did get to have a great New Year´s Ever dinner with our ward mission leader, his great family, and the elders. It was a blast! This computer won´t read my memory from my camera, so those pictures will come later.

Wednesday: New Year´s Day. Año Nuevo. Even MORE drunk people, sooo it was the same. But we got sick of sitting in the apartment studying/cleaning/etc. so we went to the chapel to practice piano. (: I´m teaching Hermana Cerrato! Eegads.

Thursday: A REAL day of work!...Except for the fact that we had weekly planning. But it was good. (:

Friday: Consejo. I don´t know what that meeting is called in English. That meeting where all the zone leaders and sister training leaders go with the assistants and presidente? I´m not sure. But it was BOMB. Kind of a "bajar la caña" Dropping cane. That phrase means...Like...Reprimanding? Chastizing? I´m not totally sure. But it was GREAT. He made very clear what the rules are and are not. Some have gotten a bit mixed up in the mission, but it is all very clear cut now. (: Then after Consejo, we did an intercambio. Exchanges.

Saturday: Finished up the intercambio, and had another great day of work!

Sunday: We had a lot of citas fall through. It was rough. And wicked hot. But we had such a bomb language study. Hermana Cerrato loves learning English, and I love teaching and helping. I, myself, learn a ton about Castellano and English, and I find that I have a lot of patience when it comes to others learning English. I aboslutely love it.

Miracle of the week! La semana anterior, fui con la Hermana Rodriguez en Godoy Cruz Centro. El milagro principal? Su bautismo!! Había una hermana que iba a bautizarse, pero no pudieron encontrarla por dos días. La llamaban a ful, pero nunca contestara. Pasamos dos veces, pero no estaba. Llegamos a la pensión, y Hna. Rodriguez estaba un poco desanimada, pero le dije que fuéramos a pasar una vez más...Fuimos para visitar otras personas, y pasamos a la 1:30 más o menos en sábado...ELLA ESTUVO! Pasamos y nos pusimos hablar, y la Hna. Rodriguez dijo, media nerviosa, "Bueno, hermana...¿Qué piensa de su bautismo a las 7 hoy?" (Pregunta inspirada? Quizás no, pero funcionó! :P ) Nos respondió: "Sí! Estoy lista!" FAH. Tuvimos su segunda entrevista (por el té que tomaba antes) a las 4, y preparamos todo para el bautismo. Discursos, miembros, canciones, todo. Fue con poco aviso de tiempo, pero ese bautismo era tan hermoso.

I was/am SO grateful to be one of the hermanas to do intercambios and help the other hermanas. I love this calling, and it was wicked cool to be able to help these hermanas prepare their first baptism. I felt so...needed at the end of the exchange, because we were about to leave, but I thought about it for a sec..."Hermanas, the exchange is over, but do you need our help, or is it okay if we leave?" Hermana Rodriguez got a slightly nervous look on her face, "Uhhh we´d feel a lot better if you stayed..." OKAY! And thank heavens we did, because WE were running around a ful, as well as the OTHER hermanas, trying to get everything put together! Such a great miracle. (:

Other fun stuff?? My family sent me the pictures from our skype call on Christmas! Lo and behold, I did NOT realize that my head was freakin´ ginormous haha. But these photos bust me up. (: Enjoy!!

-While we were waiting during her interview, Hna. Rodriguez finally had a second to relax. :P

-Spying. :P Chiste. She was checking to see if they were saying the prayer yet haha.

-And off we went!! To fill the font!...But first, we had to clean it haha.

-The great baptism. (:

-Christmas fotos! West and I! :D Gotta love that brother-sister love. (;

-AUDREYYY! Love my one and only sister in-law! :D

-Bunny ears for the momma. (;

-HERMANOS! Fah. What handsome brothers I´ve got. (:

-"Wait, wait! I want a picture with my daughter!!" Haha thanks Momma.

-He was mocking me...How kind haha.

-Minion oreos! We only seem to find them in Argentina. (; That´s one point for Gryf--uhhh ARGENTINA.

-Kisses from Papa. :P

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