Friday, March 2, 2012

Past Email Updates! (Super Long!)

Email Update #1: January 6, 2012

Subject: Yay!!!
Meet Gill (: She was also my roomie from last semester, but this time we're actually sharing a room. Our living room had a TV but no DVD player, so Gill and I wanted to go find a cheap one at DI. Then we remembered I had the super Nintendo, and we figured no one else played it but us...So I bought the $10 DVD player (quite nice, actually, I I may say so), and Gill found a $10, small TV that fit on our shelf (: So we now play lots of Donkey Kong (: FAR too entertaining when we both don't have homework (: No worries, though! My grades are still fabulous.

I love love love all my classes--except for Light & Sound. Not a huge fan, but I'm doing well in it. Baseball theory has turned out to be my hardest class, but Coach Schleg is incredible! So smart and experienced in the sport. He's also my Fundamentals in Coaching & Sports Psychology teacher; baseball theory is way harder, though. I'm waiting outside his office right now to ask him if he'd mind if I recorded his class on my iTouch, because he talks WICKED fast. Anywho! I love my choir class; we perform at devotional in a few weeks. And, of course, I really enjoy Book of Mormon (: Love you all! Thank you so so SO much for finding my blue notebook; I'm really feeling a bit lost every time I want to go and read my blessing but forget I don't have it :/ So thank you!! Love and miss you (:

Email Update #2: January 23, 2012

Subject: Insanity Week
SO...Like I said, this next week is probably gonna be insane. On the bright side, L. Tom Perry is speaking in devo tomorrow!! And my FHE brothers are way awesome haha. We've probably spent more time with them than anyone else haha. Last week, on Thursday, I made everyone beef stir fry (SO FREAKING GOOD!), and we invited the guys over about six. We all ate, watched She's The Man, and played games for forever! Needless to say, they were a little late for curfew haha. Then on Sunday we made a huge breakfast for them before church, which is at noon. French toast, banana muffins, homemade butter syrup, chunky hash browns...Mmm (: Tonight they came over for FHE, so we had a really good lesson about creating a Zion-like environment in our apartments. Then we played games some more haha.

Well classes are pretty good. Baseball theory and coaching are actually my most stressful. Coach Schleg expects a lot, it's great. I have tests in both classes this next week. My baseball theory notebook? Whoa. I've never taken such insane notes. LOVE it! I'll attach a picture (: So Lu Bowers called me and chastened me for not visiting more often haha. So I agreed to go over Friday night, and Bryan had invited me over SATURDAY as well. I got there Friday, and I find Lu in bed sicker than sick. She still doesn't know what was going on. But I stayed, helped her when I could, got Subway with Seth, and watched Princess Diaries with Alan and Seth haha. Alan asked me if I wanted to just stay the night, since we were already pretty tired, but I declined and thanked him; I had some homework due Saturday before I went over again...Saturday morning all of us girls slept in haha. We then went to Pizza Pie Cafe, but I left after about 20 minutes to get to he Bowers' in time. Got there and found out Caytee (Brent's friend from Utah), Brent, Seth, Bryan, and I were all going to Idaho Falls to do Lu's shopping haha. That was quite the trip, indeed. Went back and played games galore. Turns out they play Phase 10 WAY different than we do haha. It started snowing, then hailing, then sleet came down. HARD. Lu walks in the room, looks at me, and says, "Lake, we'll find some shorts and a t-shirt for you, but no one will be driving in this weather. You're staying the night!"...So that's basically how I spent my weekend haha. We all finally got to bed about 3 in the morning after watching a couple movies. It was a blast (: ANYWHO! That's my update for now (: Love you guys!!! (:

One page of my many baseball theory notes (:

Email Update #3: January 30, 2012
(Background info: I've been really thinking about possibly serving a mission lately, and the parents and I have been emailing back and forth about it quite a bit.)

I went to the temple last week again and did baptisms; didn't get a whole lot of time to think, it felt like. But my roommate, Kalie, wanted to go right when I got home. So I took her and just sat in the chapel, reading my blessing and thinking...What really got me on this mission thing was when I was thinking of Candice, Aurorah, Keesha, Felipe, his family, etc. I want to serve a mission, so I can see those I love and care about find the gospel. I want to serve a mission specifically catered to them...Anywho. I'm still thinking, obviously haha.

Not a whole lot from this last week, though. Took my first test for my Baseball Theory class! INTENSE. Thank heavens I have permission to record his class, because I need it haha. This test was purely on pitching. Way different than softball, obviously. But I feel like I did pretty good, considering Coach Schleg says girls usually struggle with the class. I'm hoping for high 80s haha (I ended up getting a 90% on the test!!)...

Last week on Friday, my roommates, FHE brothers, and I went to Pizza Pie Cafe for a buffet haha. Such a blast! We all filled out plates with Oreo, chipotle chicken, chicken Alfredo, cookie dough pizza...And Ben comes back to the table with a bowl, full of what? Yes. Goldfish crackers. Hilarious haha.

This picture is of Cynthia, me, and Kalie (:

Afterwards, we all went back to our apartment for Foreign Movie Night. We watches Kung Fu Dunk. Completely in Japanese with English subtitles haha...All went home and to bed, but Kalie and I decided we'd sleep in the living room and watch a couple episodes of Psych. I fell asleep in about 20 minutes...But I wake up about 5:30 to...? Purring. What. The. Heck. I look over at Kalie on the couch and see this calico cat sniffing her.

I see the cat all the time outside our apartment, but I have no clue how she got inside. But she comes over to me, I pet her, and she curls up next to me and fall asleep...I won't complain! :D So now we have a part-time kitty named Pikachu haha. Only Gill and I want to keep her, but every time we try to get her in a car to take her to the shelter, she gets away. So now she sleeps in mine and Gill's room, and we let her out in the day. So this is Pikachu cuddling with Gill!...That's all I have time for, though. I love you guys!!! (:

Email Update #4: February 14, 2012
Subject: Relaxation Week...? Maybe?
Not. Haha it's just been a long couple of weeks. I'm not even totally sure why. I've just been doing lots of homework, mostly. You know how, when we found out I had mono **insert eye roll**, then the doctor said that every couple of months or so I would feel like I had mono again? I had that last semester, and I swear I took naps at least two, if not three times a day...Well I think that's what I was like the past couple of days. Saturday I took three naps, Friday I took a couple, yesterday I wanted to take several but didn't haha. Just no energy and such.

Anywho! That's basically what has been going lately hahaha. I sit in the front area on the chair with my laptop and do lots of homework (: Sunday was probably the highlight of my week! Bryan Bowers was giving a talk, but I said I wouldn't have been able to go. It's always fun to see the surprise on people's faces when you walk in the doors and randomly show up (; So I sat with Brent, his brother who is leaving for a mission to Lyon, France early March! But it was way fun...

And the other exciting part?? Last week during FHE we had all decided that we were ALL going to Zumba for our activity this week haha. I figured only one of the guys would actually go, Jarrod. But lo and behold, FOUR all got in Jarrod's car with us to go!! We walked in the Hart building, and a lady asked if we were going to yoga. We said no, but that sounded like fun; we left the decision up to the guys, and they all voted for yoga! Haha. It was such a blast. Occasionally we couldn't stop laughing, but I am so so so proud of the guys! They all tried and wanted to do well, even though they felt silly haha. I wish I had gotten pictures :/ But they all decided that that was one of the hardest workouts they had done hahaha. Alec even said he'd rather play one-on-one with Kobe Bryant for 90 minutes, and he'd probably hurt less haha. They all said they felt so great and relaxed, though. We all piled into the car, and Jarrod gave us all big hugs (actually it was one group hug haha), and they went home! (:

...Well this is one of the less exciting update emails, I apologize. I hope all is well at home!! I love and miss you guys a ton (:

And just to include a picture...This is me trying to "fix" our couch cover, which drives all of us insane. And who knew our middle cushion wasn't even a cushion?!?! It's just fluff...Ugh. It's all falling apart.

Email Update #5: February 21, 2012
Subject: Tests, Classes, Cookies. Oh my!

(All my pictures are insisting on loading before my email, so here they are!)

Well my week has gone uphill at last!! I don't have to take five gazillion naps a day, and I'm feeling much more alive (: Last week was fairly normal, except for the fact that Janna, Sierra, and I were all planning a trip to Utah together again :D We had our long weekend all planned out, and I had secretly planned blind dates for them Friday night once we got into Logan. Muhahaa. Plans were perfect!...Until Sierra texted me Friday afternoon and said she couldn't go. Wow. SO lame. Oh well. Janna, her co-worker who wanted a ride to Logan, and I took off about four for Utah! It was quite the trip. It took Janna and I a while to get back to talking normal, since we really don't hang out a whole lot. But it was a blast.

We get into Logan, drop off the other gal (Kenya was her name) and meet up with Bryan, Janna's date (name is also Bryan, he is Bryan Bowers's roommate), and another couple to go and do what?! Laser tag!!! Yup. I was pretty big-headed and thought I'd kick butt...Unfortunately, the only lighting we had in there was black lights. Everyone else was fairly covered, not too much white. I was wearing a dark shirt, no problem, right? Lo and behold, I walk into the laser tag area, hide behind a wall, look down, and I realize in wearing light colored jeans. I am GLOWING. Ugh. Everyone else left the arena with 500+ points. I left with 75. It was a blast, though haha. Sorry, no picture :/

Well we stayed the night there with Caytee, and we took off about ten Saturday morning to get to Bountiful in time for Jocelyn Hodges to cut our hair (: For free! I cut 3 to 4 inches off. Just to get the ends healthy again and chop off the split ends. SO much easier!

(First picture)

Oh, I forgot to mention...Friday I wanted to make M&M cookies. They look delicious, right?! Yeah. Disgusting and salty. Threw away the majority of it.

(Second Picture)

All weekend Janna, Jocelyn, and I chilled mostly (: Watched some movies. We stayed at their grandparents' house, like last time, and had a blast. I swear all they do is shop, though. We went to so many malls...Be proud. I never had the guts to buy anything. Once, I was carrying a pair of shoes to the front. I was going to do it. They were 15 bucks...Then I think again. "This could pay for a week of groceries..." Ugh. I turn around and walk away.

Anywho, Monday morning Janna and Jocelyn wanted me to go to Kneaders. Oh. My. Gosh. We had breakfast there, and Janna and I got the unlimited french toast...They start you off with what is in the picture...And that is ALL you need. But so good!!

(Third Picture)

Well that would be my week!! I hope you all have been great! I love you (: Adios!

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