Monday, September 15, 2014

Correction: Like a THICK, Solid Cement Wall

Oof. I thought it had hit me last week...Until I got to THIS week. Now it´s not even funny. I´ve never been one to get headaches, not gonna lie. But dang, talk about a WEEK-LONG headache. And you remember that I mentioned "that awful, sick, nervous feeling in the stomach"? Yeah well it still hasn´t gone away. And at night time it´s the worst. The rest of the day, I´m thinking about a bajillion other things with the work and investigators and companions and hermanas and the mission and ibuprofen for my hurting head...And then I kneel down at night to say a prayer before getting in bed, and it all come crashing down again. I used to be able to fall asleep at 10:30 in 2 seconds flat. Now it´s like...2 and a half HOURS flat. :/ BUT...What ya gonna do, no? Seguir adelante!

This week has been SICK! We have finally had our first two lessons with investigators in almost a month!! We had a dryspell of lessons and investigators, but we´re finally beginning to see some success from all of our hard work (: Our numbers still aren´t glorious haha, but they are getting better! Poco a poco. We also had a zone meeting, tasty lunches, and a big service activity! Pictures will be sent in another email. (: Oooh! And there´s a family that Hermana Cerrato and I taught while we were serving in Gutiérrez, Maipú (the familia Loyola) who the grand-daughters and the grandma are members, but the mom was not. We always knew that the grandma lived in San Rafael, but we never knew which ward she was in...Well guess who WE found visiting San Rafael! Almost the whole Loyola family!!! (: Oh my, it was incredible to be able to see them all again. But SO hard to say goodbye a second time around. ):

It was awesome, because the older sister, Janet, wasn´t there, so they called her up and the mom tells her, "Che, I´m gonna pass the phone to someone who wants to say hi!" She passes me the phone, and I say, " Hooola, Janet?? Cómo anda y por que no está acá visitando?!"

Her immediate response: "Qué---AYYY!!! Hermana Libertyyyy!!!" (: Ah, it made me so happy. (: I love that family! Photos will also be included!

Hermana Japa is progressing SO much in English! It truly amazes me. When we first became companions, she knew some nouns and little things, so her prayers went a little like this: "Heavenly Father. Thanks for church. Thanks for companion. Thanks for estudio." But wow...It´s amazing. Now she says things like, "Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank thee for the opportunity to go to the church today. We ask thee to bless our investigators, so that they come to church. Bless us with Thy Spirit. Watch over our families..." Fah. It´s nuts. We practice vocab in the street still, and it´s still pretty funny the things she says. (: 

Japa: "Thank you for giving me foot."

Me: *Dying laughing* "Qué quiere decir??"

...She meant to say, Thank you for giving me FOOD. :P

That´s just one thing. (:

Okay, well that´s about all I´ve got for now. I´ll write something more sentimental next week when I have time to think tranquilamente and express exactly what I´m feeling and such. For now...Just now that I love what I´m doing. Yeah, it´s a little hard to be leaving. I love these people. This language. This Gospel. I still can´t truly imagine just up and leaving and stop being a missionary, so...I won´t! I´ll change places, I´ll come back and visit, but I´ll always be a missionary in my heart. Sharing these truths that truly change lives. See y´all on the other side of the world! Loves.

Con demasiado amor,
Hermana Lybbert

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