Monday, March 24, 2014

It´s a Small World Afterall!

So this week we´ve been able to see a little more success through our efforts, and we are finding some PREPARED people. It´s nuts, but it´s great. (: Things with my companion are going pretty well. Sometimes a little rocky, and other times SUPER awesome haha. It´s nuts. She´s from Santa Fe capital, and she talks like a flippin´ Porteña (someone from Buenos Aires) haha. I dig it. I´ll finally be able to understand the Cornu-Labat family and their accent. :P Nah but it´s interesting, really. Hermana Cheta has a stronger character than what I´m used to, so sometimes it gets a little rough, but we talk well. We know how to work things out, and we pray a LOT haha. But what I love the most? I´ve got a TON to learn from her. Here´s the story...

I had my first transfer (6 weeks) of training with my trainer and my other comp, Hna. Zurita. I was then put with another gal with the SAME time as me, so that we could train each other. Weird. Plus, we were opening up that area. So we found "our ways" to do things, without much guidance haha. Then I came to Argentina, had another Porteña companion who taught me how Argentina functions haha. THANK HEAVENS. But not necessarily how the mission functions. After that? Senior companion to lead the areas, mostly (completely) lost. So I got used to "my way", adjusting little by little from my other companions. WELL...Hermana Cheta has a few more months than I do in THIS mission, and she actually knows how things should be done, instead assuming how to do them. It has required a little bit of humbling, but I´m stoked. I´ve lots to learn.

Speaking of my companion, we have some BOMB news that WILL make you tear up a little, I promise. (:

We walk into the cyber today to email, and Hermana Cheta suddenly turns to me and asks, "Hermana, do you have family who are Rhoten´s??" **HEART JUMP** "Uhhh, what?? YES. That´s my brother in-law! Why??" Hermana Cheta looks at me, looks at her email, and glances back with a little smile, "Hermana, do you know Darrel Rhoten?...He´s the elder who baptized my mom..."


I can´t say that I remember who Darrel is, honestly. I just know I´ve met a ton of the Rhotens and their cousins, and their cousin´s cousins haha. But I just love how the world is so little sometimes. ESPECIALLY in the church. SO...My companion asked me to write to her mom, who´s name is Patricia. Anyone wanna hear what she has to say about Darrel and her conversion? :D

"eramos su familia de oro y ellos nos encontraron por seguir la guia del espiritu y nos dieron mucho amor ,nunca nos dejaron solos y nos amaron de verdad,tambien confiaron en nosotros de que seguiriamos en el camino correcto,estoy feliz de que el padre celestial me da estas pequeñas alegrias y me hacen volver el tiempo atras y recordar bellos momentos de felicidad y gozo."

We were the family of gold for Darrel, and they found us by following the guidance of the Holy Ghost, and they gave us lots of love, they never left us solo, and they truly loved us. Also, they trusted in us that we would follow the right path. I´m so happy that my Heavenly Father gives me these little happy moments that make me go back in time and remember the beautiful moments of happiness and joy.

"hola hna muy feliz de ser miembro de la iglesia,darrelly brad son los misioneros que me salvaron y mi familia tambien,bueno le cuento que en el año 1978,mi hna menor era un bebe de seis meses y tenia mucha fiebre y los medicos no sabiean que hacer,mientras los misioneron habiean sentido golpiar mi puerta tres veces hasta que lo hicieron y se presentaron con mi padre y ellos dijeron si necesitabamos algo si habia alguien enfermo y mi papa los recibio ,raro en el porque hechaba a todo el mundo y al entrar le dieron una bendicion de salud y mi hnita se recupero y asi aceptamos a las charlas y de alli nunca nos apartamos del evangelio,yo dude ,y dos meses despues tuve la respuesta y aqui estoy ,con tres hijos misioneros y tratando de seguir al señor."

Hi hermana, I´m so happy to be a member of the church, Darrel and Brad are the missionaries that saved me and my family, also. Well, I´ll tell you that in the year 1978, my little sister was a baby, 6 months, and she had a bad fever. The doctors didn´t know what to do. The missionaries had felt to knock on our door 3 times until they finally did it y met my dad. They asked if we needed anything or if there was someone sick, and my dad left them in, which is weird because he threw out the whole world. They came in and gave my sister a blessing of health, and my little sister got better. So we accepted to listen to the missionaries, and ever since then we never left the Gospel. I doubted, so 2 months afterwards I received my answer, and now here I am. With 3 children who have served missions and trying to follow the Lord."

SO! There it is (: The Gospel is reaching every corner of this glorious world, and people are finding the Savior. I love this work. La obra del Señor. This is HIS work. And I´m a small part of it. (:


The pictures are all mixed up. Some are from when Hermana Cheta hit 15 months on the mission, some are from our old district, annnnd I dno. (: ENJOY!

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