Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Few Days Overdue

My apologies. I haven't written anything for a while for a few reasons haha. I always intend to write in the mornings before work, but I never seem to be motivated to do so. I procrastinate and push it to Friday/Saturday, because I get off work about two in the afternoon. But honestly, all I want to do after work is take a nap and relax. My last option is Sundays, after church, which I had planned on doing!...But I never do. So here I am, well overdue on a post, attempting to get this all in before taking off to work. Likelihood of that happening? Close to none.

Anywho, a few have been curious as to how work is going for me, since it is obviously not the most desired job in the world. (; But nevertheless, it is going well! I haven't had a sale since, but at least I am still being paid haha. The funny thing is, we started out with four girls when I was hired; I am now the only girl left. One was given a different position, another quit, and the other was fired. (People are often fired in this job, we go through a lot of people). However, I am kicking butt, and my district manager plans on holding on to me for as long as they can. Girls tend to have an advantage over male canvassers, but only if they know how to use it to their advantage. Anywho, this is basically what we're all about: Solar!

Get home late from work? No problem for Brooklyn! She still wants to brush my hair and take pictures.

What happens when Brooklyn asks to use my iTouch? All sorts of random, interesting pictures! (;

More Lanny time with Brook! I think Brooklyn has noticed that Sam really enjoys falling asleep to Trista drawing on his back, so she asked if someone would draw on her. It started out with me drawing something on her leg, and then she would draw her interpretation of the same thing on her leg. First I drew a puppy, then she drew her puppies. Then I just did a random doodle, and then she did her own random doodle:

Then I wrote "Lanny (heart)'s Brooklyn" in cursive, and she insisted writing "Brooklyn" in her own style of cursive on MY leg haha.

I apologize for just the random pictures without really having a timeline, but I really don't know everything that has gone on in the last couple of weeks haha. I really just spend my weekdays at work and then my weekends at home. A couple weekends ago I went to dinner with my friend, Danny, whom I've mentioned before. We went and ate Italian downtown, and then I had my first try at lacrosse! Danny only had one stick, but another one and a ball "magically" showed up under a park table. Thank you, Ethan Pyle, another ward friend! Haha.

This last weekend was also a huge blast! The Oakland temple is closed until late July/early August, so we're unable to go. However, many of us liked the idea of taking as little trip and going to the Sacramento temple! So off we went! Danny, Kelsey Lomas, Ethan Pyle, Steven Perry, and I all went together; let me tell you, we are a fun group haha. Kelsey and I have decided we would make hilarious roommates. Ethan and Danny are pretty talented at beat-boxing, so they enjoyed making beats to Backstreet Boys haha. In our car, Kelsey was the designated dancer, Steven was our drums/snapping/etc, Ethan would beat-box, I would sing main vocals, and Danny would harmonize. We were pretty legit, and we made the Aladdin song, "A Whole New World" sound crazy! Haha. Anywho, we all enjoyed our time at the temple, as we met up with the other groups going. (:

The Sacramento temple!

Kelsey and I, the exercise phys majors.

Jessica Schuler and I. She is the most outgoing, sweet gal ever. Always having a good time and bringing her 2-year old sister to church. (;

Again, her and I.

An extremely blurry picture of our group after our session.

This gal is Elena Samuels. She is honestly like another sister to me. She's graduated from BYU and working, but she misses the whole school thing, so she's planning on going back for her masters. She doesn't seem much older than I am (possibly because she's about 5 foot haha), and we get along like no other. We are hoping to go river rafting and camping late August, right before heading back to school. She is absolutely incredible!

And then we all went out to a late-night diner and celebrated a birthday!

WHEW! The last couple of days have been good, and I'm looking forward to being paid this Friday! Whoots! Taking off for work now! Loves!

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