Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Week of Blessings and Zagilda Fish

Note: You will only understand the title of this post if you watch the video of Brooklyn and I during Lanny Time. Unless you're Trista and have seen the episode of Rugrats; she might understand. Them clever Rugrats. (:

I am absolutely exhausted (and heavily contemplating a nap), but I knew I had a few pictures I needed to load on here and a couple stories/information/updates/exciting news to share! So here it goes...


Skip the last few days of work last week after I finished my last blog on Wednesday. Rarely ever does anything SUPER exciting happen at work; at least nothing exciting enough to share on here haha. Anywho, I think it was Friday night that Trista and Russ went out to see the new Batman movie (utterly jealous; still haven't seen it), so I stayed with Brook and Sam. I don't remember what all we did, but I don't think it was much. We were all pretty exhausted. Lately, whenever Sam is ready for bed, he asks Trista to draw on his back. It relaxes him and puts him to sleep really well, it seems haha. Well, unfortunately, Trista wasn't home! But after a couple shows, Sam says, "Wanny, I'm done. My body feews tiwed." I asked him if he wanted me to draw on his back, but he declined, wanting his momma to do it. So him and I went in Trista's room and laid on the bed for a little bit, I asked him again to make sure, but he declined again. So I used my typical line: "Okay, well how about this: When Momma gets home, I'll let her know you want her to draw on your back, alright? For now, you can wait for her here if you want." He agreed. Trista and Russ got home pretty late, but apparently in the middle of the night, Sam woke up and asked Trista to draw on his back haha. She asked to wait until the morning. :P

While Sam was "waiting" (AKA: slowly exhausting himself and falling sleep), Brook and I had some Lanny Time. We have some pretty interesting conversations, and every time we do talk before bed, we talk about how sad we'll be when I leave and go back to school. "Do ya have to leave, Lanny?" "Well, yeah, I do." "How about you just stay here and be homeschooled like me?!" "How about YOU come to college with ME???" **Insert Brooklyn's look of shock and fear** Haha we both ended up busting up laughing. (: Anywho, during Lanny Time, she enjoys taking pictures and videos on my iTouch, so I thought I'd include a few! Oh! And those drawings on our faces? Yeah, body crayons!! Sooo awesome. Trista made a huge order of artsy fartsy fun stuff through her charter school funds, and it is wicked crazy haha. So Brooklyn asked me to draw on her face, and she insisted on her drawing on mine. Fun stuff. (:

"Make a silly face, Lanny!"

Body Crayon Art!

I know I've already mentioned how much patience Trista has, but I feel like this is another great example of her willingness to allow her children to have as much fun as possible, including making massive messes with...Everything! :P No worries, Trista, I didn't take any pictures of the packaging peanuts and everything throughout the house, but I had to snap a photo of the sign I found when I got home from work haha. It definitely takes practice and understanding to be willing to let my kids gather everything and freely throw it in the air, making my house a mess haha, but I am learning from the best example, I believe.

"No, there was no hurricane, we weren't robbed, nor did I lose my mind and just start throwing things randomly about. We've been, uh...busy. Don't judge, lol."

Saturday morning, Trista, Brooklyn, Kelsey Lomas, and I took off for the thrift store around ten. You wouldn't guess what I got. Two MORE skirts. Sheesh. And a pair of jeans. About an hour later, Kelsey and I took off for the beach in Santa Cruz! We made a pit stop in Santa Clara to watch her friend in a diving competition (SO COOL!) and eat sushi. Mmm. (: This picture is of a member of the "experienced" group. AKA, ages 40 and up. This woman was probably nearing her seventies, and she was incredible! The last man in the group was even older than her, it looked like, and he received better scores than 3/4 of the kids my age! He was amazing. So awesome!

Thennn Kelsey searched for "sushi" on her GPS, apparently forgetting to mention that we would prefer to stay in the state of California! Viva Las Vegas...?!

We had a blast at the beach, played a couple hours of ultimate frisbee in the ocean/water's edge, until I casually and sneakily left the group and waded into the ocean instead haha. The majority of others followed with, and we had so much fun! Then commenced the back massage line, a bit of volleyball, and a bonfire of s'mores.

I think this was taken Sunday night, I don't remember. All I remember is I didn't want to delete it haha. It was just another of those moments I really enjoyed. I was laying on the couch with my iTouch, and Brook crawls over next me, wanting to take pictures, of course. So she snuggled up to me, took over the electronics, and I started falling asleep haha.

Went back to work and found out: SALE!! Whoots! Another hundred bucks in my pocket! Actually on my check...but whatever. I'll take it! :D Work was pretty lame this week, actually. We're supposed to get 4 to 5 leads a day, and my week went like this: Monday, 1. Tuesday, 2. Wednesday, 3. Thursday, 1. Friday, 1. Today, 2. Blech. BUT...Are ya ready for the exciting news?!?! On Thursday I found out that I was being moved up! Beginning this next Monday I'm being placed in the office (no more walking about and sweating while talking to disinterested homeowners!) with a pay raise ($10/hr plus commission up to $12/hr plus commission!) AND better hours (from noon-9 ish to 10-7 ish)!!! I'm pretty much stoked. I'll be learning a new pitch on Monday and new procedures, since I'll be put on the phones instead...but I don't care! I'll be working with a woman who trained with me, Sharon, and she says it is way better. "However, after about two weeks, it gets a little boring..." No problem for me! That's about how long I'll be in there. (:

Whew. Good stuff. (: Throughout the week, Kelsey has been wanting to do something with me, but we couldn't find a good day. We finally decided we'd go to lunch on Friday after work, and, of course, we were definitely in search of a good sushi place. So after some researching, we took off!...And oh my, we were not disappointed! There were so many options, I merely couldn't decide. She was torn between the King Roll and the Fantastic 4 Roll. So I got the King Roll, and she ordered the other. We shared, and it was sooo good. Not to mention the fact that we were served some complimentary delicious soup and edamame. It was so good, we went back today again after work and split one roll.

After getting lunch, I met up with Trista, Russ, the kids, and Russ's parents at their hotel pool! It was such a relaxing, lovely afternoon. The only words I could sum up while drying off in the sun was: Utter Contentment

Watching her family all laugh and play. (:

"Momma and Bubba, thwow me in!"

Brook's mermaid fin; it is so awesome! I don't know how many times I just swam up and down the pool underwater, it was a blast.

Baha, this ended up with Russ making a huge wave as he was attempting to jump in on the tube and land on his butt...He ended right, but soon flipped over backwards. :P

Since today was my last day out canvassing with the guys, I figured I'd attempt to get a "picture" of what we did every day to and from work. Blurry? Yes. The van isn't exactly smooth with a wanna-be Nascar driver and 12 others piled in. There are two up front (driver and crew leader in the passenger), 3 in the next/second row (where I usually manage to grab a seat unless I'm picked up last), 3 in the third row, two in the fourth, and two (that's including me) in the verrrry back. Worst seat of my life haha. But what usually goes on is mostly a bunch of conversation, cussing included obviously (although most of the guys have been doing their best to not cuss around me), continuous joking and teasing, lots of rap music, and many karaoke moments haha. I will miss hanging out with some of the guys while out working, but I am so excited to be in the office for a couple weeks with Sharon. It'll be much more laid back. In this picture, they are currently passing around Chris's badge and picture with a picture of Steve Urkel, laughing about how alike they look...And they were SO right haha.

And, as I mentioned before, Kelsey wanted to go to sushi again today. We're both kind of dorks, and she was wanting to get a picture of me using my chopsticks as walrus tusks haha. I was embarrassed by the servers watching me from the counter, so I said no...

And then I simply couldn't, because I was laughing too much. (:

Anywho, that's all for now! It has definitely been a week full of blessings, but I really miss Trista, Russ, and the kids. I haven't spent a whole lot of time with them this week, and I've noticed. Even Russ has mentioned, "Well hey, Lanny! Seems like I haven't seen you in a couple days!"...Saddening. **Sigh** What can I say? I really love my family, and I have been absolutely spoiled this summer. Thank you Trista, Russ, Brooklyn, and Sam. (:

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