Monday, November 18, 2013

"Why Do I Feel Like We´re Going to the Mission Home This Week??"

WHOA. This week has been NUTSSS. Where do I start?! Here´s my To-Do List for this update:

-Familia Poblete
-Trio---> We´re getting a child!
-Hermana Flores

Haha, sorry, it´s half in Castellano. But! Entrevistas! Interviews. (: Sooo the first time we had interviews, I went in with Presidente, sat down, and we got to talking about the area a little bit. I randomly broke down crying after an inspired question from Presidente Ávila haha. I was in there for a good 45+ minutes. THIS time?? I go in, sit down, and asks me how it´s going. He asks about the other hermanas, how I´m doing with the new hermana líder calling, and explains the intercambios papers that I need to fill out when we do exchanges...Walk out 15 minutes later. Listo! Haha. But it really was great. (: To give him reports about the other hermanas and how they´re doing and such. Such a wonderful Presidente!

Intercambios! Exchanges. I went to Pocito!!! And DANG, it is ALLLL fields and country. I kind of burned inside, because it reminded me so much of home haha. So nuts. But the people were so humble and kind. (: Got to go visit their investigators and help out in their area and get to know the other hermana better. And then I´m going again tomorrow to work with the other hermana! (: So fun. I love getting to know these gals. I´ve decided that if I have no other reason to be here on the mission, I am here to help the hermanas. Help these gals love their missions and love the Gospel!

Ahhh the Gospel. (: The Gospel plus the familia Poblete! We had their entrevistasss!! The gals, Ariana y Lourdes, walk out and are all like, "Alright! Elder Gomez says now we just gotta talk with you all to figure out what day we´re having the baptism!" **JAW DROPPED** I mean, I KNEW they were ready, but DANG. They´re on fire. I love them to death. (: We went back on Friday and started filling out paperwork with just the gals, and we got talking about after the mission. Their questions made me want to die, cry, and smile all at the same time.

You serve for 18 months...But do you have to leave after?
When you go back, how will we know?
How will we get in contact?
I´ve tried finding you on Facebook, but I couldn´t. Will you look for us when you get home?

NOOO. Dang I about started crying when I told them, "FAH. You better BELIEVE that I´m not losing contact with y´all! I´ll be there everyday you need, and I will be asking you every Sunday if you´ve gone to church!"

We all kinda busted up laughing. (: These girls. They kill me. They´re STOKED for their baptism THIS SATURDAY! Booooom. 8 months into the mission, First baptism haha. That´s fine, I´m down. I know I´m a seed-planter, but dang I am so excited to be right by these girls this Saturday. (:

Oddly, a lot of last week, Hermana Cox and I kept feeling like we were headed to Mendoza. Buuut nope. I didn´t have Consejo, and we didn´t have to do tramites...Sooo we were confused. UNTIL...We got a call Tuesday morning from the zone leaders.

"HERMANAS...Special transfers. You have to go to Mendoza on Thursday."

FLIP. What?? My stomach dropped. I was so sure I was out of here. BUT...Lo and behold, NOPE! Rather, we were going to Mendoza to bring back a child! :D Well...An hermana straight from the MTC. (: She´s from El Salvador, and SUCH A CAPA! So rad, I love her. The training is going well, but dang trios are hard haha. They requier lots of planning. But it has been good! True end of transfers are in a couple weeks, so we´ll see! Haha. So nuts.

Milagro of the week! Miracle. So I already wrote this to Presidente in an email, so I´m just gonna copy and paste. Sorry it´s in rough-ish Spanish. I´m working on the grammar and subjunctive junk still haha. Don´t judge. Don´t have a ton of time, so have fun translating! :D 

Fuimos a contactar una referencia de un miembro, y les encontramos! Pero...Bueno, la esposa (Mercedes) contestó la puerta. Hablamos un poco, pero no quería que pasáramos. Y también dijo que después que su hijo falleció (hace 1 año), su esposo (Washington) decidió que no creía en nada. Estaba enojado con Dios. Mercedes nos dijo que él nunca va a permitirnos en su casa si pasamos en algún otro momento...Le cantamos un himno. Soy un hijo de Dios. Ella se puso llorar, y yo vi al fondo de su casa el esposo, Washington. Él nos escuchó. Lo vi, y él vino a la puerta. Puso su mano sobre el hombro de Mercedes, y abrió la puerta para que pasáramos...Entramos y tuvimos una hermosa lección. (: Son buenos y están sufriendo todavía, pero nos dijeron que podemos pasar. (:

That´s all for now!! Enjoy the fotos!!

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