Monday, November 11, 2013

How Great Shall Be Their Joy

Sooo there were a bajillion things I wanted to write about this week, but (of course) I happened to forget my life on my desk in the pensión. Aka, my planner. SOOO I´ll do the best I can haha. Therefore, let us start with the pictures. (:

-Las cucarachas!! Whoots! We found 3 more after that. And let me tell you, I was 95% positive that my companion was hyperventilating and dying when I heard her start screaming haha.
-Last P-Day! We went to Zhonda and had an asado with the zone on the riverbank. WHOA. It was delicious and gorgeous and hilariously fun! Why??
-Because we got to go tree climbing! Dang, it made me miss cliff jumping, because both Elder Johnson and I joked about just jumping off into the river...No worries. We didn´t haha.
-My comp enjoys taking pictures such as these haha.
-Uhh yes. The zone leaders, Elder Steeves (left) and Elder Johnson (right). It was the birthday of E´ Steeves haha.
-All of us! Well...The majority. (:

Okay! Sooo I just wanted to mention something that my comp and I have been talking about a lot lately. Having to do with Faith, Miracles, and the Lord´s Timing...Let me start it out with a quote:

"Sometimes the Lord waits until after the death of Lazarus to perform the miracle."

The Lord, at times, legitimately waits until all hope is gone. When we think that there is nothing left we can do. We often are at "the end of our rope", and He still waits just a little longer. Sometimes, He lets us slip. BUT...That´s where the miracles and the faith comes in. Christ was a worker of miracles, miracles without end or number. Christ IS a worker of miracles, but His miracles aren´t just a free cupcake. There´s another ingredient added: Faith. Ether 12:12. The Lord can do no miracle until AFTER we have faith.

Sometimes we struggle. But I know that if we have NOTHING else, except a grain of faith? Then all is well. Walk with "the eye of faith"; expect miracles to happen; believe they will happen. And acknowledge where they come from.

All sorts of changes to the mission have been made, and not gonna lie...It´s been WAY harder for the work, but we are seeing MIRACLES. We are finding those who are truly ready to hear the Gospel. (: And ALL of us are a part of it. Catch the wave! Do missionary work! Go out with the missionaries! Pray for those missionary opportunities and then UTILIZE them. Give referrals to the missionaries. Take the promise of the apostles and help ONE person find the gospel before Christmas.

"How great shall be their joy."

-Hermana Lybbert

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