OCTOBER! We celebrated Madre's 53rd birthday!! It was quite an adventure stealing her from work. ;) I also took the motorcycle class, so I learned to ride a motorcycle! I also got stuck on the side of the freeway, so Padre and Uncle Todd had to come and save me. :D Haha.
November!!! I was FINALLY able to see Dene', Trista, and their families!! I can't believe I've been on so many planes since I've been home haha. But I flew from Seattle to Chicago, Chicago to Iowa, where I stayed for a good week or so...

We even got to pick out a tree and put it up!! :D
Annnd the cheapest flight to Albuquerque was on Thanksgiving Day, so this was my Thanksgiving dinner! :D
But no worries, but I thoroughly enjoyed another week and a half with another sister and brother in-law and niece and nephew. :D
They're so cute. :)
I even got to visit my fellow Argentines!! :D The Cornu-Labats! Ah, how wonderful it was to drink mate with them and speak to them in vos! :D
After coming home, I continued to work as a para pro at several different schools, so this kid just kind of summed up how much fun it was haha. And I also got to visit a past FHE brother from BYU-Idaho since we had both just come home from our missions!
Stay updated for the wonderful adventures of 2015!!
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