-Hermana Reyes hit her 6 months! I had to help her celebrate a little. (;
-Happy 4th of July!! Hahaha my agenda (;
-How´d we celebrate? Good ol´ original, American hamburgers and singing the National Anthem loud and proud!! Whoots!
Dang. I thought I handled the cold pretty well, considering I´m from Washington, and I went to school in Idaho...Wellll apparently after a San Juan summer, I´m not "acostumbrada" to the cold anymore. Whatsoever. At all. Encima, our apartment is falling apart and none of the houses here are heated. Just brick walls and a little old calefactor. The warmest place is the chapel, because it´s got decent heaters. Ish. Más o menos.
My apartment. We call it the pench. Pensión.
I got here and the water was already leaking way bad. Normal.
It has gotten far worse.
We have two wall heater dealios.
Neither work.
We have another little heater in the room.
My 3 blankets work FAR better.
We turn on the gas stove and oven to heat up the house.
That works pretty well. (:
Luckily, we´ve got hot water here!...
Up until this week. FAHHH.
I stuck my head under the shower faucet to just wash my hair this morning.
I got a head ache, because it was icy cold.
I will never take a shower here. I WILL get pneumonium.
...I no longer remember how to spell that word.
Or talk in decent English grammar. Examples?
"Y´know, kind of tiene razón him. That guy...Blewsgfkasjdn."
"Por e--for...Because of that...Crap. Forget it."
Sometimes it´s just easier to not talk hahaha. But no, it´s been way funny this week. (: ALSO, we went to Consejo AGAIN! I don´t know if I already explained this, but oh well. Presidente Goates and his wife wanted to get to know the zone leaders and sister training leaders, so we all headed back to Mendoza and had a great meeting with him! It was GREAT. Him and his wife are really excited to be here, and they´re INCREDIBLE. Us hermanas got to talk with Hermana Goates for a little bit, and we told her a little bit about the mission. I loved her response. She looked at us all, made a contemplative/thinking face, "Alrighty! Looks like we´ve got LOTS of things to pray about!" And she gave us her big, bright smile. (: Haha I love it. IT´ll be way fun to work with them more.
Alrighty well I´ve got about 10 minutes left, so I just want to share a couple things of what I´ve been studying this last week. WILLS. Will of the Father versus my will. It´s probably one of the hardest things for me. To submit all that I want, all that I desire, and all that I hope for--for what HE wants from me, what HE desires of me, and all HE hopes for me. I do what I can, and I prefer to take control of my own life. Being independent. But I´m slowly learning that my life should not be in MY hands, rather it should be in the hands of the Lord. His ways are not our ways. He knows far better than I do, but I must be willing to follow Him in everything. I´ll finish up with a part of a talk I love: "Just give it up. Surrender your will to Him. Unconditionally. Withhold nothing. Turn it all over to Him; all of your desires, wishes, dreams and hopes. Be true and faithful in your head and in your heart, not just in your behavior. Trust in Him. Trust Him who knows all things. Trust Him who has all power. Trust Him whose love for you is perfect. Trust Him, who alone suffered, paid and atoned for your sins, and for your weaknesses as well. Trust Him that He will make of you, immeasurably more, than what you will ever, ever, in all eternity, make of yourself. He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will create an ordinary man. He will create a God."
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