Monday, June 9, 2014

Rejected Visas and Sickness

Well it´s been a slow week, becauuuse Monday morning we got a call from the Secretary, telling us that it´s Hermana Lawrence´s turn to go finish trámites for her visa!! So Tuesday we have a long meeting, lunch, and then we head out to Mendoza. All of Wednesday morning, we´re waiting in lines and running around to get her visa stuff worked out, annnd what happens? They reject one piece of paperwork. Why? Who knows, only the Secretary really understands, poor elder. Sooo we eat lunch, and get back on a 4-hour bus back to San Luis! That was the first half of our week haha. The second half?

Thursday, weekly planning. That was rough haha.

Welll I wake up Friday morning with my throat hurting. A little cough. Stuffy nose. Meh. That´s nothing. Keep on, keepin´ on! We get some decent work done, visiting recent converts and such. Contacting loads of people. Saturday morning? Ehhh a little rougher, but I can make it. We get all bundled up for the cold Argentina wind and get rejected a LOT. About midday, I´m fighting. Struggling. Head is hurting. We go to lunch, head back to the apartment to finish our afternoon studies, annnd I tell Hermana Lawrence that I´m gonna lay down for 20 minutes, and I´ll be good to go...

You know how when you´re feeling sicky, and you wake up all achey and the body just hurts all over? Yeah. A half hour later, and I´m waking up así. We head out to an appointment igual, WITH A MEMBER (MIRACLE), annnd it falls through. I´m done. Ready to crawl home and take cualquier meds I can find. So we stop by a couple houses on the way to invite them to church the next day, get back to the apartment, annnd we get to working on the fat, awful, messy area book. Bleh. Finally it´s looking half-decent. Then I took some meds about 8:30, planned for the next day, and I was out.

Sunday, we saw MIRACLES for our perseverance!! FOUR people came to church! It was incredible! ANNND we had a sick lesson with the Colombian family we´re teaching. (: They also are stoked to come to church next week. (:

Alright, that´s all for now. Someone asked if I was from Ecuador the other day because of my accent, so that was cool.

I was also told I´m an optimistic person, so I was STOKED. That´s been a life-long goal, I feel like. I´m getting there! Poco a poco. Alrighty. I´m out. Loves!

Soem photos are from the bus ride, the movie that was on (Meet the fockers or one of those? Meh.), the riot that made us stop, a sign outside a Baptist church from Elder Boyer´s mission hahaha I died...Annnd RUNTS! They were 35 pesos, but they were delicious. (:


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