But no worries! I´m all good! :D Kind of tired, honestly, but HECK. That´s what we have P-Day for, no? (;
OKAY! This week...Has mostly been focused on my new companion, honestly. Hermana Cheta is her name (: She´s from Santa Fe, Argentina. She´s also a sister training leader, and DANG...She´s wicked great. :D It´s been rough for her, I think. She goes about the mission with an awful, false reputation following closely behind. Yeah, she´s honest and direct when she tells you what´s up, but dang...She likes to do things as they should be done. She´s obedient. She loves to joke around and laugh. And she LOVES THIS WORK. She´s a crazy hard worker, and she´s got a strong testimony. Seriously, other people Do Not Know Her.
I´ll be the first to admit I was a little nervous. We got the transfer calls, and I prayed a lot. For a lot of love and patience and direction. As I was on my knees, the words of my stake president came into my mind when I was set apart to be a missionary. "Your companions will be some of your best friends throughout your life."
Time and time again, I have seen that come true. We´ve had some good time to talk and chat and vent...It´s been good. (: And I´m stoked. I love this gal to DEATH. It´s only been 5 days, but I´d take a bullet for this girl. She´s incredible. We´re working wicked hard, and we finding success. Little bits and pieces, slowly, but we´re seeing it. We have 15 less-active people with whom we work to reactivate them, and SEVEN came to church this last week. YES! It just fills you up. Truly, this work is incredible. Changing lives. Recognizing the blessings we have. Helping others. Putting aside our personal wants and needs to help the other. I love this work. It fills me up. And I´ve got LOTS of work to do :D Here in Argentina, and back home with my loved ones.
Just want y´all to know that I love you all a LOT. I feel very humbled and priviledged. Stay safe! Loves! Chau!
-Hermana Lybbert
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