So ever since Christian, Audrey, Kali, and I came back to the Basin after Christmas, there was a chance that we'd all be able to go visit Rexburg. The main reason was to pick up the stuff they left in storage, but they needed an extra driver to bring back Christian's Suzuki...Yup, that's right. ME. Haha like I'd ever complain about a trip to Rexburg to see friends. (: Again, I'm way sad that I didn't take more pictures, but that's alright, I suppose. I had an absolute blast.
We rolled into town about 7:30 PM, and I first stopped at my good ol' apartment to drop off my stuff and see roommates. (: I have this thing about surprising people...I simply just LOVE to do it haha. Any chance I get. :P One day it's gonna get really old, I know, and people are gonna hate me for it baha. Oh well. (: I know I've mentioned my best friend from California a time or two, Kelsey, annnnd she was in Rexburg. And no, I hadn't told her I was coming. So I run over to her place and walk in quietly. I walk back to her room, knock once, and just walk in. It took her a second to look up, but I love that look of shock on people's faces. (: "WHAAA?!?!" Hahaha. She was fairly certain she was hallucinating or that I was a ghost or something haha. It was great. A tear or two and giant hugs. That girl, gotta love her. (: I already miss her crazy faces and shared love for sushi. :D
Haha anywho, I had to catch a quick picture of this lovely baby girl right here before taking off for Rexburg. We kind of matched, but I honestly just wanted a picture haha. The 4th love of my life to come into this world. (;
Annnnd here be my best fraaand on our last sushi date for at LEAST 18 months! **Sniffle**
Well after surprising her that first night, I had the chance to go and see some of the best guys ever. My old FHE brothers from Winter semester 2012! Only two were in town, but it was a blast seeing them, also. (: Jarrod knew I was coming that day; Alec knew I was coming sometime that week, but he didn't know when! So Jarrod picked me up to go get some dinner, but of course we had to go pick up Alec first! Alec thought Jarrod and another friend would be showing up. Baha. AGAIN...I love surprising people. (: He opens the door, gives me a big hug, and his roommate behind him says, "Hmmm pretty sure that ISN'T two guys. Unless I'm blind, that's a girl." Haha I love sarcastic people. :P It was a blast overall! Hung out with Kelsey several times, went running with Alec and later dragged him to devo (baha sucker), and I had to give quick goodbyes to them all before taking off for 18 months!
I am fairly certain that was the one and only time I have ever and will ever drive away from Rexburg with a few tears in my eyes. There are some people I've met there at school who are near and dear to my heart. I'll miss them a ton. Either way, I drove home safely! Annnd I've discovered something about Idaho. As soon as you begin crossing the borders, it suddenly turns wet, white, and cold. Yuck. Give me some Argentine weather, pleaseeee!
OKAY! Bring on some more of the fabulous news!!! Welcome little Miss Jordyn Jaylene, we are so excited to finally have you hereee! :D We seem to have this tradition with any of Dene's pregnancies where we play card games when we're all just at the hospital and waiting haha. I'm pretty sure we played Uno with Jackson's delivery. (; Regardless, it was fun playing golf this time. (:
And, believe me, when this baby girl was ready to come, she was COMING. Compared to both Audrey's and Dene's last pregnancies, Jordyn was so quick and fast. Probably because the doctor was making Dene' laugh the entire time! The best line of all: "Sheesh! Ya think we could GIGGLE this baby out?!" Hahaha she was laughing and smiling the entire time.
And in just over 15 minutes, the new addition to the loves of my life came into this world at 8 lbs. 0.7 oz. and 19.75 inches long. (:
Immediately after, and the momma was doing great. (:
Yes, this is showing a bit more of the momma than you're all used to haha, but I had to include the new baby girl with her momma and dad!
Grandma Mimi with her new grandbaby!
The first time Jackson got to see his baby sister! He was a bit overwhelmed with all the people, I think, but he was willing to give Jordyn some lovin' head bonks. (:
We all gave the momma and her family some time, and we headed home. Jackson woke up a bit upset the next morning, because his mom and dad weren't there. However, when we said we'd go see momma after eating some cereal, he was so game! Him and I got some time to roll around and have fun before taking off, and he playing with cousin Kali, as well. (: And then we were off! So excited to go see his baby and mommy and daddy! :D
Fact: Jackson loves holding babies haha. So he finally had the chance to hold her, and he did NOT want to let anyone take her off his lap. (: It was adorable.
And I was finally able to hold this lovely baby girl at last, as well. (: Stunning little gal here!
And we finally celebrated Jackson's and Grandpa's birthday! Happy 2nd, and happy 51st Papa! (:

Ahhhh it really was a great, quick weekend trip to see so much family and all the Rhotens. (: Unfortunately, I was only able to stay for a little while. I had to get back, because for a couple of weeks I was house-sitting for some family friends while they were off in England and Spain for vacation! So jealous haha. But I have always enjoyed having a place to myself for a while, especially with animals! Haha. The animals were the main reason they wanted someone there to house-sit. They have a new puppy, another dog, several cats, chickens, annnd...wait for iiit...PEACOCKS.
The one above there is kind of the free roamer and takes care of himself. They have another few in the pen to the left. So cool haha. Anywho, I've always wanted to be a long-distance runner! The problem is...I hate running haha. HOWEVER, since I've been way out there in the country, all I had to run on were country roads and dirt canal roads...Yup. Love it. About 5 o'clock or so in the late afternoon is when I really start needing some outside time, so I just pull on my shoes and get going. It is so great. Besides, how could you NOT enjoy running when you have random, unknown friends such as this one join you in the middle??...No, I still don't know whose dog it is haha.
And then to have cheerleaders like this pup and the other dog meet and greet you when you come jogging up the driveway?? Yes, far more motivating. (:
WHEW! Okay, well that's all for now! I'm still not positive how I'm gonna keep y'all updated on mission stuff, but I'm thinking/hoping I can keep it all here on this blog with the help of my parents. **Crossing fingers** We shall see. For the time being: NINE DAYS!!! (Actually, eight days and 20-ish hours baha). Single digits, baby. :D And lastly? I have my flight info for March 27th! I fly out of the Pasco airport at 6:30 AM and from there, I have a ride from Salt Lake to the MTC!
Don't miss out! My farewell talk and "party" are next Sunday, the 24th! :D
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