Bahaha sooo I´m still trying to push down my "vergüenza" for these photos, but whatever, they still make me laugh haha. So YES! Hermana Hales and I have had some really great first time experiences this last week. (: Y´all ready for this?
Last Monday = A Wonderfully Wicked Waxing Experience
Two words. I died. Hermana Hales is a filthy liar, and she talked me into believing that she had waxed people before. Nope. It was painful. Probably a good thing I can`t get the videos loaded, because I screamed at her. (: Bahaha but I`ll admit that what Hermana Hales said is 100% truth: "Hey I´m really glad we´re close enough that I can do this to you and know that you still love me." (Insert big cheesy smile of her´s. Bahaha. True story. It will be one for the journal. As will the photos.
The other photo of all the cash just busts me up. It was like 1,600 pesos...How much is that in dollars? Yeah, like 200 haha. But all the bills looks sick, so Hales and I labeled this photo: "Money in the BANNNK." :P Bahaha.
The other first time experience was the last-zone.conference-before-Presidente-Ávile-goes-home. Sad day, no? He finishes his mission the end of June, and Presidente Goats will be coming in! So nuts. Quite saddening. (Sadenning? I dno how to spell). I can truthfully say I`ve had 3 mission presidentes.
My First 3-day exchanges experience! Hermana Hales and I are over two companionships that are in another zone, about an horu and a half away, so this week was the week to do excahnges with them! So after the all-day zone conference on Wednesday, we headed out on the buses to Villa Mercedes and did exchanges all day Thursday and all day Friday. We then came home Saturday morning, back to our Home Sweet Home pensión (apartment) in San Luis. It was hard being outside our area for so long, and our numbers definitely showed for it, but I LOVE being a sister training leader. I know I`ve said it a gajillion times before, but it really is one of my favorite experiences of the mission. I have a wonderfully growing desire for the work of the Lord and for talking and teaching people about the Gospel, but I always am SO filled being able to serve and lift OTHER servants of the Lord. I love the fact that these hermanas have enough trust in Hermana Hales and I that they can come to us for help and advice. AND, they are all so humble. They always ask me, "Hermana, what can I do better as a missionary? What have you seen that I can improve?" I love it.
So yes, that`s what those random photos of hermanas are from. Exchanges haha. First, Hermana Flores (I`ve missed her so much!! My 3-week daughter who came to Hermana Cox and I in the middle of my last transfer of San Juan) and Hermana Chorolqui (ALMOST missed her a ton from San Juan! :D) in the mornings. :P Second, Hermana Jasso chillin´ on her bed. Check out those feet tan lines! (; And last, Hermana Smith, the cutest little missionary with lots of fire. As you can all see. :P
My last really great experience was the SKYPING! We had lunch with the WONDERFUL Mitillo family, and they introduced "mazitas" to us. DELICIOUS little dulce things of all sorts. These are like the Argentine-version of doughnuts haha. Just get the assorted variety, and ENJOY. (: Mmm. So good. Then Hermana Hales skyped with her fam, and even I loved just hearing that hahaha. Plus I was super stoked to finally meet the famous fam of Hermana Hales, since I`ve heard SO much about them. (: They`re kind of a nutty family, but I love it, because it reminded me of my own haha. Then later that night I got to talk to ALMOST all of my family! West was working, so that was sad. ): Then I got to see and TALK with my nieces and nephews and see them walking and EVERYTHING, AND I sort of got to talk to Christian on his way home to work. (: I loved it. Funny story, though...My dad took a photo of Hermana Hales and I on skype, and the genius Hermana Hales says, "Oooh! Can you send that to my dad in a text?!" My dad being rather mischeivious (don´t judge. I don´t know how to spell anymore) and loving the idea, "SURE! HA...I`m just gonna send the photo without anything else. We´ll have to see what he says..." Bahaha. So yeah. Hermana Hales and I have decided that our families and especially our dads would be best friends. Plus they both enjoy motorcycles, so that´s ALWAYS a plus. :P
Alright...I dno what else to write about from this week. It`s been fun, kinda nuts haha, but all-around good. (: I love you all! Chau!