As most of you know, it is my big sista's birthday today! She is turning a whole whoppin' ...23! (; Baha. Alright, maybe not, but whatever. Aside from that matter, I feel the need to mention my wonderful sister before I begin anything about my typical week. (However, I'm sure you're all just DYING to know how work went...Uh-huh. Right.)
I'm not gonna lie, when I think of my childhood, gleeful moments of Trista and I are not the first ones to come to mind. The memories that come to mind are more like playing Barbies and dogs, hitting baseballs in the backyard, swimming in the canal, and climbing/swinging from the huge tree out back the old house. None of these necessarily have Trista, though, sadly. But then again, I doubt Trista
really enjoyed watching her annoying baby sister haha. But who can blame us? She is the oldest; I am the youngest. We've been raised in the same house, but we've had different experiences growing up. We didn't necessarily grow up "together".
It has been 19 years. NINETEEN years it has taken me to finally build one of those sister relationships everyone else talks about. No, we don't hug and kiss one another on the cheek, and no, we don't sit around doing each others' nails. That's just not how we roll haha. However! We do have a ball painting our toes with Brooklyn and letting her do our nails on occasion. Anywho, I was never totally sure if I could even keep a casual conversation going with just Trista and I when I was younger, and before spending my summer here, I don't know if I could even before this! Haha. That is honestly the saddest part. I think it was simply because before I went to college or anything, we had never been exactly on the same "life level", whether that was maturity or experiences or whatever else. Not a whole lot in common due to our age differences. It took me a little while to realize that
now, we could relate a bit better. I first realized this a day or so after I got home from school, preparing to take off with Trista a couple days later. I walked into the kitchen to find Trista doing dishes (this is of no surprise to me now, no worries, Mom and Dad, she does it anywhere haha). She was about to attempt putting some type of meat that was now purple, green, and mossy down the chewy. She began gagging horridly, and I certainly can't blame her. It was pretty awful haha. I swear if she smelled that stuff for two seconds longer, she
would have puked. She, herself, was turning a little green, so I took a deep breath, recommended she take a breather out back, and finished putting the spoiled meat down the sink as she darted out the back door for some fresh air. We finished and both continued laughing about the awfulness of spoiled, purple meat. **Shudder**
We took off with the kids a day or two after, and I think the ride may have started out a little weird at first. But not for too long. We talked about family, how excited we were for West to be coming home this year, about the church a little and religion in general, her openness with me still being able to go to FHE and church activities (thanks, by the way, Trista! It really does mean the world to me.). I even received a fair warning that was TOTALLY okay that after a little while of being there, if I decided I couldn't handle it, I had every right to just up and fly out whenever I wanted. Also, same went for her haha. She has every right to fly me out whenever she wanted haha.
Needless to say, since it's been three months and I'm not gone yet, it has definitely gone better than I ever would have guessed. I've had experiences GALORE and memories I cherish. I've had the chance to make up time with Brook and Sam from when they were in North Carolina. I have had "Lanny Time" and had my hair brushed and done by Brooklyn, and I have had Sam and Wanny days of going to the park, playing trains, water fountain, and Dollar Store. I never really knew Russ when him and Trista were married, but I finally have had the chance to sit around with him and Trista and talk, laugh, have "deep conversations", and even roll around in mummy bags together! :D So yes, as I've said, it has been 19 years in waiting. It had taken me long enough, but I think I jumped on the opportune moment. Not only do I love California, but I have been so blessed while I've been here. With memories, pictures, knowledge, experiences, trips, challenges, laughs, and with family. I realize that most kids my age would consider their "best summer" as spending every day at the beach and partying it up with their friends...But I am perfectly content saying that my "best summer" has been spent with my sister, brother in-law, niece, and nephew. A huge thank you for all the smiles and memories. For letting me steal a bed. For allowing me to keep Brooklyn up a little later, so we could talk and take a couple pictures after I got home from work. For basically letting me in, free of rent/groceries/gas/etc. For the trips to the airport and back...For being my sister. I hope your birthday is the absolute best! I love you, Trista. (:
This last week has mostly consisted of a lot of work. Throw in a 4th of July here, a Sunday off there...Yup. That's how it went. But I did mention the Patriots and Pioneers celebration I was helping put together for the stake, right? If not, oh well. I'll mention it now. We had been meeting for the last couple of months, a group of about ten of us from the stake, to put on this huge event that was supposed to be a mixture of 4th of July and Pioneer day. Sort of to knock it all out in one go, instead of having two events. We estimated about 600 people to be coming to this deal. We were to have a flag raising, a 20-minute program, the HUGE breakfast of 80 lbs. of pancake mix, 1,400 eggs, and 20 gallons of milk. Luckily I was only in charge of the milk and OJ and a game. I wish I had taken a couple picture to show you how many people were actually there and how many helpers I needed to simply serve drinks, but that's alright. I got a couple of our two helpers running the 3-legged races! This is Danny, my friend who gave me the ride from Rexburg to Boise over Thanksgiving break, and the other gal is Riley! She is pretty much the sweetest gal ever.

After that insanely stressful but fun event, I came home annnd pretty much chilled and recuperated haha. Took a nap. And finally decided to go to a friend's BBQ about 6:30, which started at 6:00. Oh well. It was good, though! Played a little volleyball...
Up above is Chris, our Elder's Quorum President, and Tim.
Down below is Kelsey, my VT partner, and Ben, our ward mission leader.
And then we ate a bit as Ben grilled up some chicken and burgers.
Annnd Riley, another friend, and I went to go watch the fireworks in the back of the truck. No, we didn't have the greatest view haha.
Meanwhile, in Rexburg there was a pretty awesome view after the fireworks; my FHE brother, Jarrod, sent this to me:
WHEW! And that was all just on Wednesday. Thursday came around, and Trista, Russ, Corinne, Phil, and the kids went camping! I went to work haha. I really didn't do a whole lot while they were gone, though. Other than work, of course, I did make granola all on my own finally, ate sushi, cleaned, went and baby-sat Madeline and Claire...The works. Friday I went to go watch Madeline and Claire, and I really got a kick out of them haha. I mean honestly, how can you NOT love a face like that?!
And, for some reason, this is what Claire loves to do with her little chairs and play house. Reminds me of when Dene', West, and I would set up the dining room chairs and pretend we were on a bus haha.
Claire carries around her blanket everywhere, and when it's hot out, she'll drape it over her head, grab your hand, and expect you to lead her the way haha.
Annnd we love watching Curious George before bedtime.
Saturday, after I came home from work (and after getting my first sale!), I started cleaning. I was just in the mood and had been meaning to the last couple of days. Unfortunately, as I was dumping out the garbage, I forgot about the broken glass I had put in there a week before. I tipped the small can over into the garbage bin, and the glass came sliding out, clipping me on the way out.
It would NOT stop bleeding. I went through several band-aids that night, but I am constantly amazed at our functioning, self-healing bodies. My cut was short, but it was fairly deep. The next morning, after getting out of the shower, I look at my finger and find that within about 12-ish hours, my cut had already stopped oozing and bleeding and was already beginning to heal together. Before I went to bed that night, it was healed with a tiny little scab. Crazy and amazing.
Anywho, the last couple of days for work, Monday and Tuesday, we've been in a crazy rich area called Ripon. (Rippen, it sounds like) These houses were absolutely insane. I have two pictures. One of a house that looks like a modern take on a castle. It's slightly smaller than one, but it has the stone features, fountains, and more haha. I couldn't get the whole thing in a picture.
Same with this next one, I couldn't get the whole thing. This next place looked like either a hotel or a retirement home. Freaking ridiculous. I walked be, stopped, and astonishingly asked to Ross, "Who needs a house that big?!"
I got home kinda late, because Ripon is a little further than normal, so our whole crew didn't get in until about 9. I get home, and Brooklyn remembered that I'd promised her the night before that we'd to Lanny Time haha. So she brushed my hair, put in a ponytail, added a clip, wanted to take pictures, and we talked for a little while.
Anywho! I'm exhausted, and it's only 10:45 am. I'm gonna go take a shower and hopefully sneak a nap in before work haha. Not much else has unraveled this week other than playing volleyball last night at the church. Oh! But this will hopefully give ya a good idea of what always running through my head as I'm walking around and knocking on doors:
"Holy crap, it's hot. I'm gonna die."
Love you all! :D