Gahhhh I want a kitty or dog or something!!
I got a turn to hold it, and the little thing fell asleep in my arms...Oh my word. My heart was stolen. How could you NOT love those baby blue eyes and calico-ness?! We had to go back later with Russ to show him. Obviously there was a momma cat, because the smart cat moved her kitten, since she definitely smelled us. So! We left it there, hoping to go and visit again sometime.
Before going back with Russ, though, we went to the AMGEN Tour of California. Cycling here is huge; I've never seen so many bikers around town every day before. This tour is pretty incredible, and Livermore was lucky enough to be the finish line! So, of course, we had to go! Pretty neat, actually. It was like FCAD (Farmer-Consumer Awareness Day) from Quincy, but it was downtown and had no vegetables/fruits being sold. :P And no, there was no tractor pull, either. (;
We met Russ there (he missed the race, unfortunately) and began heading back to the closest vehicle, which was the truck Russ brought from work. Well Trista and Russ were holding hands, and Dut wanted to join in. Sam realized it was just him and I walking behind them, and he wanted in haha. So he ran up to Russ' side; it was pretty cute. (:
I mentioned we ALL went back to the truck, right?? Well the heck we were supposed to fit in there?! Haha well we figured it would be safest to keep the kids up front, so Trista and I jumped in the back! Don't wanna get pulled over, so we laid down and watched the blue sky haha. Sorry, Trista, of the three pictures I got, this was the "best" one lol.
On Wednesday, Trista was invited by a homeschooling group to a park play date in Dublin. This song, which the kids love, came on the radio, and Brook and Sam gasped out of excitement! Haha. Brooklyn is SO good at whistling, and she's a pro when it comes to this song. She may stumble over the words a bit, but she does awesome haha. I had to get a video. :P
After a long day at the park, Sam tends to zonk out in the car. Unfortunately, we often have to stop at the grocery store and have to wake him up. Well, since Brook got the blanket last time, Sam got it this time! This was the funniest picture haha. Brooklyn was wanting to get in with him, but there was no room, and we told her no. This is Brooklyn trying to figure out another way, and Sam laughing at her in all his grogginess haha.
After getting home, Sam wanted to ride his bike in the road for a bit. Trista was out there watching, and she noticed he wasn't touching his training wheels at ALL. Granted, Russ had just put them way up, so he barely could use them anyways haha. So this is the look of a proud momma, as her son rides his bike for the first time without training wheels! (:
Can't forget the proud, excited boy!
Of course, I have to include a video of proof! :D
Thursday (yesterday) was my birthday! I received a manila envelope in the mail from Shaun (Where did that name come from?! Manila. Honestly. What the heck?), which had three of those light-weight airplanes you can put together and such. One for each of us: Sam, Brook, and I. But before ANY of that, I went to work in the morning! It was kind of a rough morning, but I reminded Austin that we were gonna go to a P.E./Sports deal that Trista was invited to as a homeschooler. She asked if I wanted to bring the kids, and I said HECK YEAH! Austin was so excited to go play with Sam, Brooklyn, and a bunch of other kids. We left about 9:30, all piled to the top of the van with four car seats, two adults, a pogo stick, and the scooters in the back. Phew! Got home just before 1 in the afternoon, put Nick down for a nap, and Austin and I had some alone time. (: It was pretty fun. Talked, sat in the sun while eating yogurt, played in some mud, and watched his Batman cartoons he showed me earlier that morning! I loved it. (:
I came home and found this on the front door:
I walk in, go down the hall, and find green streamers covering my door into my room with an envelope taped to the door haha. "Surprise!!" Sam, Dut, and Trista all jump out haha. Sam had long before seen the planes from Shaun, which were wrapped up like presents, and he says, "Wook Wanny! Pwesents!!" I then tell him that one is for him and one is for Brook, and they both are stoked haha. These planes are pretty fragile, but Brooklyn managed to get her's opened without breaking it. She decided she wanted to paint her's, but I don't think that ever happened. Sam, unfortunately, broke his in half while viciously opening his out of excitement haha. He was confused as to how it was supposed to go together (obviously it didn't go together anymore), so I told him to come over with me, and I'd show him how to put MINE together haha. Meanwhile, I hid his broken pieces behind me, put mine together with Sam, and gave it to him. He was pretty dang excited when it was all put together. :D
And yes, I had to snap a picture of both Brook and Sam flying their's! They were crashed many times and are now look like hit-and-run victims with all the bandaging on them haha.
Trista later found an improv show in Pleasanton, so she bought tickets for her and I to go to that. (Oh, forgot to mention the other gift that was in the envelope on my door: Indoor skydiving!! Holy crap! Stay tuned for whenever we get to go do that!) We finished our evening with dinner, cake, and the improv show. It was...Interesting haha. But definitely memorable. (; We thought about renting a Redbox movie, but her and I were both pooped about 9 pm, so we headed home to relax. Finished off the night with some cake before heading to bed. (: Methinks it's been a rather busy, yet fulfilling week!!